Localized Advertising
For Your Ideal Students
An Untapped Opportunity In the Education Industry
For Your Ideal Students
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Transform Your Education Advertising and Attract the Right Students with Precision Programmatic Targeting

When you advertise to the right target student personas, you don’t have to worry about wasted ad dollars by serving to a broad audience.
Through our programmatic advertising platform and partnerships, we find quality audiences for your digital ads and present it to you in a strategic media plan before launch.
We serve ads to your exact target audience as often, and by utilizing as many devices as possible, from phones, tablets, laptops, streaming audio and streaming TV channels.
Take Action with Programmatic Advertising: Overcome Challenges and Boost Enrollment in Your Education Programs

Attract High-Quality, Prospective Students with Targeted Programmatic Advertising at Every Stage of the Education Journey
Each educational program can have a programmatic advertising campaign tailored to a precise target audience. This allows you to tailor creative ad campaigns for potential students based on when they’re most likely to engage with your message.
Our programmatic ad technology strategically reaches and personalizes the ad experience. Every potential student may be at a different step in their journey of choosing an educational institution or program. It’s important that you are able to connect with them with different types of messages and content in order to help lead them to apply or enroll with your institution.
Target potential students at key points in their journey with programmatic ad campaigns: Research, Application, and Program Selection.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Education Advertising Efforts with a Strategic Programmatic Agency Partner
Your Dedicated Team
We offer a dedicated account service team consisting of senior level and agency owners offering combined 75 years of experience in digital advertising and programmatic advertising.
Accelerated Accuracy
Expedited response times and processes for educational campaign deadlines. We offer an agile and nimble team structure to help accommodate accelerated speed and accuracy requirements.
Accessible Advertising at Scale
Our targeted tactics deliver specific messaging to diverse customer personas. These personas can be reached across the full web, audio / podcasts and connected TV inventory for scale, along with detailed insights on performance.
Ad Messaging and Creative Testing
The art of communicating your institution or education program to a large audience of potential students is something we take seriously. We will consistently help develop ads and run tests in order to analyze performance and drive continual improvement.