Job Recruiting

Predictably Find, Engage, & Recruit Your Ideal Candidates

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New positions take an average of 36 days to fill.
Almost 90% of all applicants find job openings through social media or ads.
Above The Fold will help you beat the odds!

1. You tell us where your ideal job candidates could be working.
2. Tell us characteristics about your ideal job candidates – what they like to do, demographics, etc. We have access to thousands of third-party data points to help further filter those we are targeting. For example, if you are looking to hire psychologists or social workers, we can target users who have graduated with those degrees or are currently working in those fields.
3. Target competitive locations using geofencing to recruit candidates from those competitive locations.
4. Choose the media you think will be most effective – TV, online ads, or audio.

Above The Fold can ensure you are finding the type of candidate interested in the job you are seeking to fill. We can deliver ads to potential candidates using thousands of data points. Data such as:
1. Background
2. Interests
3. Demographics
4. Psychographics

Above The Fold has technology and partnerships that allow you to target potential job candidates that read specific topics on the internet or search on specific terms. You pick the keywords and topics, we’ll find those people and show your ads. We can use a variety of ads, including:
1. Online display ads
2. Video
3. Audio
4. And more…

Benefits of Programmatic Job Recruiting

Hire top talent cost-effectively and painlessly with Get Above The Fold.

Fill Roles Faster

Find the right candidates with the correct skills. Get Above The Fold will help you fill roles faster and cost-effectively. We employ programmatic, computer-backed approaches to drive unparalleled results. Your competitors will wonder what your secret weapon is.


In a world without programmatic, you are hoping that the right candidates come to you. Programmatic allows you to control and influence your ideal candidates to raise their hands for your open positions. The result is a better candidate coming in consistently.

Deliver Results

Programmatic job recruiting through Above The Fold uses software and data to ensure your open jobs get in front of the right people, at the right time, for a cost-effective price.