Harnessing B2B Behavioral Targeting with Programmatic Advertising

In the realm of B2B marketing, the ability to target users who are actively searching for services, researching competitors, or displaying relevant behaviors is a game-changer. Traditionally, B2B marketers have faced challenges in reaching their desired audience in a timely and effective manner. Waiting for potential customers to log in to platforms like LinkedIn to see ads can lead to missed opportunities.

However, with the power of programmatic advertising, B2B marketers now have the means to proactively serve ads to their target audience across devices and formats, without relying solely on user logins. This deep dive into behavioral targeting options for B2B with programmatic advertising will unveil the immense potential for identifying and engaging users who are actively seeking services or exploring competitor offerings. 

By harnessing the precision and versatility of programmatic advertising, B2B marketers can overcome the pain points of traditional approaches and efficiently connect with their target audience, wherever they may be in their buyer’s journey. So, let’s dive in and explore the realm of behavioral targeting to unlock new possibilities for B2B marketing success.


When a potential customer/consumer begins their user journey, they may start this journey with a general search for information on a need, a question or a product. This search could start with Google, but it can also start with content they find on websites and blogs or searching on industry websites and blogs for information. Programmatic targeting can build audiences based on searches and content read throughout the full web, and serve ads to them after that event for days and weeks after.

During this research phase in the user journey, they’re going to start visiting sites with content that’s very related to a particular vertical. The user will start learning about products, different options or brands, and just becoming more educated on what they’re seeking out. 

These user intent signals can give the business that wants to get in front of them the opportunity to do so and know where/how to be targeting them. Now, the user may hop onto a website and see your businesses relevant ads based on what they’re looking for – but before they get to that point, they have already gone through many phases of the journey by learning about the information they initially sought out. 


At this point in the funnel, users may make some decisions based on brand recognition. So, ads and brands that they were seeing at the beginning of their research process are going to stand out to them.

With keyword level retargeting, we are able to look at the context and how users are engaging with websites off of just Google. Meaning, programmatic is able to take the keywords that your business wants to target in paid search or SEO because they would show potential buyer intent – you want to be getting in front of them with your advertisements at this stage. 

With programmatic, we are able to serve those ads to consumers based on the keywords that they enter into a website search bar or even a search engine search query. This includes not only Google, but every other website on the Internet with a search bar. You can also choose to layer on certain phrases that your ideal customer is searching for – whether that be in the last month, or even the last 5 minutes. After they trigger that search keyword or phrase, they can be served ads when they leave that site and go read a blog post, browse the internet, watch the news, or whatever else they may be doing online. 

Contextual Retargeting

By leveraging contextual targeting, advertisers can identify and engage users based on the content they are reading, indicating their interest in specific products or services, and aligning with the ideal customer persona. 

This targeting approach goes beyond simply considering the words on the page; it extends to the websites users visit, particularly those industry-focused platforms that attract professionals in the target market. Contextual targeting for B2B enables the creation of audience segments that align with the content users consume and the websites they visit.

After The Behavior – Serving Targeted Ads to the Audience

Once users take actions and show behaviors that align with the targeting, advertisers can start serving ads to this audience as they browse the web, open apps on their phone, listen to audio or podcast, or watch streaming TV. Programmatic ads will show to the audience as they go about their day, but it is triggered based on the behavior that is indicating they are an ideal audience. 

It’s time to start nurturing these customers with different ad formats and making sure you’re getting in front of them whenever and however you can. Native ads, display ads, video, and even CTV – nothing is off limits! 

All in all, behavioral targeting with programmatic advertising is a game-changer for B2B marketers. By understanding user intent and leveraging keyword and contextual retargeting, businesses can engage potential customers throughout their research journey. 

Programmatic allows for precise ad targeting based on interests and search queries, nurturing connections through various ad formats. 

Embracing behavioral targeting with programmatic is essential for delivering personalized messages and achieving success in B2B advertising strategies. Unlock new levels of success with behavioral targeting through programmatic.

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