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Unlocking the Future of Advertising: 2023 Predictions for Programmatic and Addressable Targeting

As 2023 progresses, the advertising landscape is becoming increasingly competitive and challenging. Advertisers are under pressure to maximize their return on investment and make every ad dollar count. With the world still recovering from the impact of the current business environment, it’s crucial for companies to stay ahead of the curve and stay connected with their target customers. Above The Fold is here to help you navigate this complex landscape and ensure your advertising efforts drive growth and success in the coming year 


With the current economic climate, businesses are faced with the challenge of finding effective and cost-efficient advertising strategies. In this climate of financial constraint, it is increasingly important for advertisers to demonstrate the impact of their ad spend on their bottom line. As we head into 2023, businesses are looking to invest in advertising strategies that drive performance and produce tangible results.

Advertisers are shifting their focus towards performance-driven campaigns, as they can provide clear and measurable outcomes. In comparison, branding campaigns, which may not have a direct impact on the bottom line in the short term, are becoming less attractive to businesses. 

Marketers are now under more pressure to provide data-driven evidence of the impact of their advertising campaigns. Whether it’s driving traffic to a website, driving foot traffic to a store, or increasing conversions, businesses want to see a return on their ad spend or lift in overall growth. In this tight economic climate, performance-driven advertising is more likely to hold up compared to general broad branding campaigns.


As B2B businesses navigate the current marketing landscape, it’s understandable that brand awareness campaigns may be a concern. While brand awareness is important, it can often be difficult to measure the return on investment for these types of campaigns. That’s why it’s crucial to consider incorporating higher targeted advertising methods, like addressable targeting, into your marketing mix.

Addressable (Address-Level) targeting allows you to precisely target your audience, ensuring that your message is reaching the right people at the right time. This type of advertising is highly effective in driving performance, making it a great option for B2B businesses looking to optimize their ad spend and see a return on their investment. By utilizing addressable targeting, you can increase the efficiency of your campaigns, reduce waste and reach your target audience with greater precision.

Overall, incorporating addressable targeting into your marketing strategy can help bridge the gap between brand awareness and performance-based advertising. It’s a smart move for B2B businesses looking to maximize the impact of their advertising spend and achieve their marketing goals.


Addressable targeting is a highly targeted form of advertising that allows businesses to reach specific individuals or households, based on their unique attributes and behaviors. By utilizing this type of targeting, B2B companies can connect with their target audience in a more meaningful and effective way. 

And as more and more consumers are turning to connected TV to watch their favorite shows and content, it provides an opportunity for B2B businesses to reach their target customers where they are. 

By incorporating connected TV into their marketing mix, B2B companies can engage with potential customers in a way that is both relevant and personalized, leading to increased brand awareness and ultimately, conversions.

Overall, 2023 promises to be a year of exciting developments and opportunities in the world of programmatic advertising. From the continued rise of OTT and CTV advertising to the growing importance of data privacy and ethical use of consumer information, there are many trends that marketers should keep an eye on. By staying ahead of the curve and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, companies can more effectively reach their target audiences and achieve their marketing goals with Above The Fold.