3 Ways to Utilize Native Advertising to Increase Purchase Intent

Market to Your Target Audience on a More Personalized Level 

Native Advertising is an integrated ad experience that you need to jump on if you’re looking to diversify how you’re reaching your customer persona. Native ads are content-based ads that match the form and function of whatever platform the advertisement may appear on.

With the ability to buy via programmatic, native advertising is more accessible and easy to scale across to reach users and help increase purchase intent. Let’s talk about three ways to utilize native advertising to do that!

1. Serving Native Ads on More of a 1:1 Level

The ability to personalize ads to individual users/consumers is a huge native advertising advantage. This all starts with a solid targeting strategy to find specific customer personas online and serve them relevant content they can use. The native ad format is focused on getting content to users in an environment that they are engaging in.

See how we built a programmatic native advertising campaign to find the ideal consumer persona for a direct-to-consumer live plant seller.

2. Attention-Grabbing Format Attracts Consumers

native advertising placement exampleEye-tracking studies and various click through rates tell us what we already understand: intrusive ads that block consumers from what they are really trying to see create a poor user experience and can turn off buyers from potential purchase intent, losing them in the process. This ad format is far different from the native ad format that fits right in for consumers to easily interact with. 

New consumer-friendly formats and standards for ads from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) also understand and acknowledge this. We embrace IAB’s standards—based on the LEAN principles (Light, Encrypted, AdChoice supported, and Non-invasive ads)—to guide us to an overall better user/consumer experience, and can see that these guidelines will also help with more consumers taking action based on native advertising.

3. Increase Reach and Response Rates

Native advertising has been consistently delivering an increasing lift in response rates on platforms compared to other ad formats. We have seen over six times higher response rate than traditional display ads

By adding native ads to their new or existing programmatic campaigns, advertisers are improving both the performance and reach of their campaigns. It offers great diversification from PPC and Display ad formats and helps to connect with consumers in different ways.

Native Advertising Agency Solutions For Your Business

So, as you might be able to tell by now, Above The Fold is excited about the future of native advertising. This format is better for advertisers and companies due to the fact that they get a higher response rate and can be served anywhere on a personalized level. 

It’s better for buyers/consumers because they get a better user experience with content that they want to be seeing. It’s better for publishers because native ads will make up a bigger piece of the revenue that they need to continue to deliver online content at no cost. And it’s better for us because we get to deliver all around value. 

Who doesn’t love a win-win-win-win?

Reach out to us and we’d love to build you a custom media plan to find and nurture your ideal consumer persona.


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