Elevating LG Display’s OLED TV Brand Awareness Through a Data-Driven CTV Campaign


Facing a decline in global demand for new televisions, LG Display found itself at a crossroads, seeking smarter and more effective advertising solutions to promote its OLED TVs. In an era where traditional advertising methods have become less effective, LG Display turned to The Trade Desk for a data-driven Connected TV (CTV) strategy. This innovative approach aimed to boost brand awareness and keep LG Display’s OLED TVs at the forefront of potential buyers’ minds. This case study explores the challenges, solutions, and remarkable results achieved through this strategic partnership.

In an increasingly digital world, consumer behavior has shifted dramatically, with more people turning to online platforms for information and entertainment. This shift has necessitated a transformation in advertising strategies, moving away from broad, generalized campaigns to highly targeted, data-driven approaches. LG Display recognized the need to adapt to these changes and sought to harness the power of digital advertising to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time. By leveraging advanced data analytics and programmatic advertising, LG Display aimed to not only increase brand awareness but also drive meaningful engagement and conversions. This forward-thinking approach underscored the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in both its products and its marketing strategies.

The Challenge

LG Display was confronted with a significant challenge: targeting owners of older TVs and understanding their purchase behaviors. The primary objective was to ensure that the OLED brand remained top of mind for consumers likely to buy a new TV. In a competitive market with numerous brands vying for attention, this was no small feat. LG Display needed to identify and engage a specific audience segment effectively, and traditional advertising methods were not sufficient to achieve this goal.

The task required a deep understanding of consumer behavior, particularly those who owned TVs launched in 2018 or earlier. These consumers were more likely to consider upgrading to a new TV, making them the ideal target audience for LG Display’s OLED products. The challenge was to reach these potential buyers with a compelling message that would resonate and drive engagement.

The Solution

To address this challenge, LG Display partnered with The Trade Desk, a leader in programmatic advertising. Together, they launched a targeted branding campaign titled “Go OLED TV and Enjoy More.” The campaign leveraged programmatic advertising to reach the desired audience effectively. The key to this strategy was the use of Inferred Brand Intent (IBI), a sophisticated data-driven approach that provided insights into consumer behavior and optimized ad engagement.

Inferred Brand Intent allowed LG Display to identify and target users who owned TVs launched in 2018 or earlier. This precise targeting ensured that the campaign reached the most relevant audience—those most likely to be in the market for a new TV. By focusing on this segment, LG Display maximized the efficiency and effectiveness of its advertising spend.

The campaign also utilized Connected TV (CTV) as a primary channel. CTV offered a unique advantage by combining the reach and impact of traditional television with the precision and measurability of digital advertising. This hybrid approach allowed LG Display to deliver its message to a highly engaged audience in a cost-effective manner.

Execution and Strategy

The execution of the campaign involved several strategic steps. First, LG Display and The Trade Desk collaborated to define the target audience based on TV ownership data. By analyzing data on TV models and purchase dates, they identified users with TVs that were likely due for an upgrade. This data-driven approach ensured that the campaign was highly targeted and relevant.

Next, the campaign creative was designed to highlight the benefits of LG Display’s OLED TVs. The message “Go OLED TV and Enjoy More” emphasized the superior picture quality, vibrant colors, and advanced features of OLED technology. The creative assets included visually stunning video ads that showcased the immersive viewing experience offered by OLED TVs.

The campaign was then executed across various CTV platforms, reaching a broad yet targeted audience. The use of programmatic advertising allowed for real-time optimization, ensuring that the ads were served to the most receptive viewers. By continuously monitoring and adjusting the campaign based on performance data, LG Display and The Trade Desk were able to maximize engagement and efficiency.


The results of the campaign were nothing short of impressive. LG Display was able to reach over 1.76 million households, significantly expanding its brand presence among potential OLED TV buyers. The engagement metrics were particularly noteworthy, with a video completion rate of 99.3%. This high level of engagement indicated that the audience found the ads compelling and relevant.

Moreover, The Trade Desk successfully reduced the cost per completed view by 34%, demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of the data-driven approach. This reduction in cost, coupled with high engagement rates, highlighted the efficiency of the campaign in delivering results.

In terms of brand impact, LG Display saw a brand lift of 2.3% in ad recall and a 4% increase in brand awareness. These figures surpassed industry benchmarks, showcasing the effectiveness of the campaign in enhancing brand recognition and recall among the target audience.


The partnership between LG Display and The Trade Desk illustrates the power of a data-driven approach in digital advertising. By leveraging programmatic advertising and Inferred Brand Intent, LG Display was able to reach a highly targeted audience, drive engagement, and achieve significant brand lift. The success of the “Go OLED TV and Enjoy More” campaign demonstrates the potential of Connected TV as a powerful advertising channel, combining the best aspects of traditional television and digital precision.

As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, the lessons learned from this campaign can serve as a blueprint for other brands seeking to enhance their brand awareness and engagement. The key takeaway is the importance of understanding consumer behavior and leveraging data to deliver targeted, relevant, and compelling messages. With the right strategy and partners, brands can navigate the challenges of a competitive market and achieve remarkable results.

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