Are Marketers Too Focused on ROI?

Are Marketers Too Focused on ROI?

According to, Americans spend a record of 6 hours or more on digital media each day. 

There are so many ways marketers can get in front of customers. How to choose what marketing vehicles and strategies best fit your organization is always a challenge.

I recently listened to an amazing conversation between Jeff Green, Founder & CEO at The Trade Desk, and Susan Vobejda, ex CMO at TheTradeDesk (and also ex CMO at Tory Birch). 

These two marketers are on the cutting edge of what works in growth for advertisers and asked the great question of – “Are marketers too focused on ROI and clicks?” when it comes to marketing strategy. 

“A common mistake is markers are focused on ROI or clicks, and they aren’t starting with a customer strategy. Overall you could be solving for revenue or solving for visits to the website when your customer base is actually shrinking (business is shrinking),” said Vobejda. 

Marketers should be asking more strategic overall business questions and moving beyond just clicks and ROI.

For example:

  • How many customers do I have? 
  • How many do I need to grow?
  • How do I prospect and develop a customer base?
  • How do I sell more to existing customers?

Before you spend marketing dollars – it’s essential to understand what you are trying to accomplish from a high-level customer strategy perspective. Many marketers aren’t doing this today because they are overly focused on ROI and efficiency and it’s limiting their success. 

Green had a great point, “By having that short-sided view, this is why so much money goes to the bottom of the funnel – you don’t create any awareness.” 

At Above the Fold, we help our clients with a full-funnel strategy. We help clients put targeted, new traffic into the top of the conversion funnel and help them convert it at the bottom of the funnel. We help our clients utilize their existing customer data creatively and target their customer profiles in innovative ways to drive growth.

Don’t get stuck in the lower part of the conversion funnel; let us help you drive growth

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