Connected TV (CTV): A Game-Changer in the Advertising World


In a world where streaming services dominate living rooms, Connected TV (CTV) is one of the most potent platforms for advertisers looking to reach audiences where they are most engaged. The rise of CTV marks a significant shift from the days of traditional television, where viewers are limited to scheduled programming and limited choices. Now, with just a few clicks, people can access a vast array of content on demand, from blockbuster movies to niche documentaries. This change in how we consume media opens up new opportunities for advertisers to connect with viewers in a more personal and impactful way.

What is Connected TV (CTV)?

Connected TV, often called CTV, is any television that can connect to the internet and stream digital content directly. This is a significant departure from traditional linear TV, where content is broadcast on a fixed schedule, leaving viewers with limited control over what they watch and when. With CTV, the power shifts to the viewer, who can choose from a seemingly endless selection of content on various platforms, empowering them with the freedom to watch what they want, when they want.

CTV isn’t just limited to smart TVs with built-in internet capabilities. It also includes many devices that can turn any regular TV into a connected one. Famous examples include streaming devices like Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, and Apple TV. Gaming consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox also offer CTV capabilities, allowing users to stream content and play games. Even some Blu-ray players come equipped with streaming features. This broad range of devices means that CTV is accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their budget or tech-savviness.

How CTV Advertising Works:

So, how does advertising fit into this new landscape? CTV advertising transforms traditional TV advertising by offering a more dynamic and targeted approach. Advertisers purchase ad slots on conventional TV during specific shows to reach a broad audience. However, this method often proves inefficient, as many viewers might not be interested in the advertised content.

With CTV, the approach is much more sophisticated. Advertisers can target specific audiences based on detailed data about who’s watching and what interests them. This data-driven approach is possible thanks to integrating programmatic advertising with CTV. Programmatic advertising automates the buying process, using real-time data to deliver the right ad to the right person at the right time.

Here’s a quick rundown of how it works:

  1. User Engagement: A viewer selects a show or movie on a CTV platform.
  2. Ad Request: The system sends ad requests to an ad exchange as the content loads.
  3. Bid Evaluation: Advertisers who want to reach this viewer submit their bids through Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs). These platforms analyze the viewer’s data—like their viewing habits and demographic information—to determine how much they will pay to show their ad.
  4. Ad Auction: The highest bid wins, and the selected ad is displayed to the viewer, all within milliseconds.

This real-time bidding process ensures that ads are relevant to the viewer and shown in a context where they’re most likely adequate.

The Advantages of CTV Advertising:

There are many reasons why advertisers are increasingly turning to CTV. Here are some of the most compelling benefits:

  1. Reaching Cord-Cutters: One of the most significant trends in recent years has been the rise of cord-cutting—people canceling their traditional cable or satellite TV subscriptions in favor of streaming services. CTV is the ideal way to reach these viewers, representing a growing and often more affluent population segment.
  2. High Engagement Rates: People who use CTV are typically more engaged with the content they’re watching. Unlike traditional TV, where viewers might leave the room during commercial breaks, CTV viewers are often more focused, especially if they watch ad-supported content. This higher level of engagement translates into better ad performance, giving advertisers the potential for high engagement rates and the effectiveness of their ads.
  3. Precise Targeting: One of CTV’s most significant advantages is the ability to target ads with high precision. Advertisers can tailor their messages based on age, location, interests, and past viewing behavior. This level of personalization can lead to higher conversion rates and a better return on investment (ROI).
  4. Measurable Performance: Unlike traditional TV ads, which are difficult to track, CTV ads offer detailed performance metrics. Advertisers can see exactly how many people saw their ad, how long they watched it, and what actions they took afterward, such as visiting a website or making a purchase. This data enables advertisers to optimize campaigns, ensuring they use ad spend as effectively as possible.
  5. Cross-Device Integration: CTV ads can be part of a broader digital marketing strategy, integrating seamlessly with other channels like social media, search engine marketing, and email campaigns. This multi-channel approach can help reinforce brand messaging and increase the overall impact of advertising efforts.

Challenges and Considerations:

While CTV offers many advantages, it’s not without its challenges. Advertisers need to be aware of these potential pitfalls and take steps to address them:

  1. Ad Fraud: As with any digital advertising platform, CTV is vulnerable to ad fraud. Ad fraud can take many forms, from bots generating fake views to malicious actors inflating the number of impressions. This means that advertisers might be paying for ad views that are not seen by real people, leading to wasted ad spend and reduced campaign effectiveness. To combat this, advertisers should work with reputable platforms and use advanced verification tools to ensure real people see their ads.
  2. Measurement and Attribution: While CTV offers more detailed tracking than traditional TV, measuring the true impact of ads can still be challenging, especially when linking online actions to offline purchases. Advertisers must use a combination of tools and strategies, such as pixel tracking, conversion tracking, and customer surveys, to get a complete picture of their campaign’s effectiveness.
  3. Creative Adaptation: CTV platforms vary widely in user experience, meaning ads must be adapted to fit each environment. What works on one platform might not work on another, so it’s essential to tailor creative content accordingly. This can add complexity to campaign management, but it’s necessary to ensure that ads resonate with viewers across different devices.
  4. Privacy Concerns: With the increased ability to target viewers based on detailed data comes the responsibility to protect that data. Privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the U.S. mean advertisers must be transparent about collecting and using viewer data. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines and damage to the brand’s reputation. Advertisers should ensure they are fully compliant with these regulations and respect viewer privacy in their advertising practices.

The Future of CTV Advertising:

As CTV grows in popularity, its role in advertising will only become more significant. One exciting development is the rise of interactive ads on CTV platforms. These ads go beyond the traditional 30-second spot, allowing viewers to engage directly with the content by clicking on links, exploring products, or making purchases without leaving their screen. This level of interactivity makes ads more engaging and provides valuable data on viewer behavior.

Another trend to watch is shoppable TV. Imagine watching a cooking show and being able to buy the ingredients or kitchen tools featured in the episode directly from your TV. Shoppable TV is poised to transform how we shop, offering a seamless experience that integrates entertainment and commerce.

Looking further ahead, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into CTV advertising could lead to even more personalized and effective campaigns. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data to predict viewer behavior and optimize ad delivery in real-time. For advertisers, this means the ability to create highly targeted campaigns that deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.


Connected TV is not just a new way to watch content—it’s a game-changer for the advertising industry. By offering a flexible, data-driven platform, CTV allows brands to connect with audiences in ways never possible with traditional TV. While there are challenges, the potential rewards are immense, making CTV an essential component of any modern advertising strategy.

As technology continues to evolve, so will the opportunities for advertisers. Those who embrace CTV and its unique capabilities will be well-positioned to thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just getting started, now is the time to explore the power of Connected TV and see how it can revolutionize your advertising approach.

Above The Fold are the experts in programmatic marketing. We are happy to share current and future trends in programmatic marketing to help you ensure your brand and marketing approach are prepared for the future.

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