free google analytics 4 set-up guide download

Why You Should Set Up Google Analytics 4 Now: Unlock Customization and Machine Learning Benefits

If you utilize Google Analytics Universal Analytics (UA) for any type of website insight, the time to upgrade your tracking to GA4 is now! The digital landscape is constantly changing, and staying ahead in technology and data tracking is crucial for success. Google’s new GA4 platform takes this free tool up a few steps with additional features (even though Google Analytics tracking has a lot of issues and shouldn’t be your only data insight).

On February 2, Google reminded us that UA will cease data processing on July 1 and announced that if you don’t set up a GA4 property with basic settings, one will be automatically configured for you to align with UA basics. Don’t get left behind, upgrade to GA4 now! Utilize our free GA4 Set-up Guide to lead you through vital steps and considerations.

Upgrade to GA4 Now: Don’t Miss Out on Customizing Your Setup Before the July Deadline or Risk an Automated Configuration!

Upgrade to GA4 for Better Tracking of Your Website’s Full Funnel Traffic. Get Customized Insights with Advanced Machine Learning and Custom Event Tracking.

The Key Benefits of GA4 Include:

  1. Custom Event and Conversion Tracking for more precise user behavior analysis.
    • GA4 custom event tracking helps give a more granular control over how you track user behavior on your site, such as scroll depth, video view, clicks on different areas, etc. If you wait until you no longer have UA to compare tracking to, you may have issues with accuracy and it will be too late to fix.
  2. Automatic insights with Google’s machine learning algorithms
    • The GA4 platform utilizes Google’s advanced machine learning algorithms to automatically identify important insights about your site, without requiring you to set up specific tracking or analysis. This means you can get a deeper understanding of how users are interacting with your site, without having to spend time and resources on manual tracking and analysis.
free google analytics 4 set-up guide download

There is a steeper learning curve with GA4 and may require custom dashboards and reports created so you can easily see the key insights you want to review. Early adoption will give you a leg-up to get familiar with the platform and customize the set-up.

In conclusion, setting up GA4 now before the automatic transition in July will give you a head start in customizing your analytics tracking and taking advantage of Google’s machine learning capabilities.

Be Mindful of the Limitations of GA4 Tracking. GA4 Should Not Be Your Sole Source of Marketing Insights.

Remember that GA4 has limitations in tracking and attribution. For a complete view of your marketing performance, consider supplementing GA4 with other attribution tools. Read our accompanying article on why you should Stop Relying on Google Analytics for Marketing Attribution and discover our recommendations for tools that provide full funnel attribution, including impression level impact and lift.

Download The Free GA4 Set-Up Best Practices Guide


Want to Outsource Your Setup?

We’ve helped our clients get fully setup and integrated with GA4 in 5 hours or less, and can also help with training and custom dashboards. To request a quote on outsourcing your GA4 set-up, fill out this form on our Contact Us page.

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