
Should I Buy Direct On Hulu, Roku Or My Local TV Station?

Should I Buy Direct On Hulu, Roku Or My Local TV Station?

What comes to mind when you look at these brand names: Hulu, Roku, Firestick, Samsung TV? The answer is that these are all well-known apps, devices, and SmartTV’s that are utilized to consume media in the home. Clients reach out to us all the time asking why they shouldn’t buy media directly from Hulu, Roku,

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Above the Fold has an alternative to this type of targeting that has a match rate of 90+%. We are able to get such a high match rate because our targeting is based on public record plat lines and lat-long technology.

Invaluable Data Is At Your Fingertips

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for managing your company’s current and future customer data. It costs less money to retain a current customer than it does to acquire a new one so it’s really important for companies to keep data associated with each customer so they can market to those customers in the

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Preparing For A Cookieless Future

Preparing For A Cookieless Future in Digital Advertising

Everyone in the online advertising industry talks about the “Google Bomb,” third-party cookies going away over the last few years. The initial first step was announced to be completed by the end of 2022 which aligned with Apple’s IDFA changes. Google’s retirement of cookie’s has been continually pushed back, but on Jan 4, 2024, 1%

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